Young Christopher Hurley is a Traveller, an Irish Pavee gypsy who roams with his father, Grandda, Granny, Uncle Finty, Auntie Brigid, and his cousins Martin, John Paul, and baby Maureen. They roam from town to town, carrying all their worldly possessions in their wagons.
Christy is haunted by the story of his mother living only 7 minutes after he was born. But when his grandfather dies, the discovery of an old newspaper photograph and a long-buried secret from his mother's past change his life forever.
I love good stories that are told in a child's voice. This was a lovely one, almost comparable to "The Story of Edgar Sawtelle".
I was sorry for it to end. Perhaps the author will write a sequel so we can see how the things Christy uncovered about his identity influenced and impacted the rest of his life.
Although I rarely do it, I painted the background specially for this review, using "Morning Blue", "Powder Green", "Celery Green", and "French Vanilla". For the title, I used a Pilot Parallel Pen which has a broad-edge calligraphy nib. It was filled with a green ink cartridge that wrote beautiful, very crisp letters. I was thrilled, because it can be problematic writing over acrylic paint. Unfortunately, as the ink dried, it bled terribly. I tried to salvage it a bit by adding thin black lettering over the top, but it still looks pretty sad.